Urbana Establishes Legacy Tree Fund


Urbana’s trees are a source of shared pride in the greater Urbana community. With one of the most diverse urban forests in the Midwest, the city can claim trees that are historic, unique, rare and one-of-a-kind specimens. So it’s little wonder that Urbana is one of 13 charter Tree City USA communities in the United States.

The beloved Sim Hackberry tree, which stood at the northeast corner of west High Street and south Coler Avenue for more than 100 years, has been honored posthumously as Urbana’s first Legacy Tree. It brought the community together to help celebrate, recognize and protect all of Urbana’s trees.

Now anyone can help focus care and attention for the city’s most significant trees through the Legacy Tree Program, established by the Urbana City Council, by donating to the program.

Financial support from community tree advocates, will enable the City of Urbana to cover the cost of identification for all Legacy Trees as part of its natural inventory, feature them on a city-wide map accessible on the City website, produce plaques commemorating each Legacy Tree; develop a Legacy Tree locator app; and plant additional unique and indigenous trees.

Click here to learn more the Legacy Tree Program.

The Community Foundation is accepting donations to the fund. To donate, click on the Donate button and indicate your donation is for the Legacy Tree Fund.