Introduction to Planned Giving

Foundational Fundraising: Introduction to Planned Giving

Wed. Sept. 18, 2024  |  1:00-2:00 p.m.  |  Champaign Public Library

What is planned giving and how can it fit into your organization’s development strategy? With the right approach and goals, any nonprofit can start and sustain a planned giving program to maximize fundraising efforts. Learn how to communicate with donors about their wealth and their financial assets – not just their cash – and understand how a planned gift can help them expand their charitable impact while meeting other financial objectives.

In this introductory session, we will define planned giving, review the relevant tax benefits of these types of gifts, and discuss how planned gifts fit within a comprehensive development program. We will also share tips on simple ways to integrate planned gift messaging with existing communications.  By the end of our time together, participants will have concrete action steps to start and sustain a planned giving program so they can raise more money for their organizations’ important work.

Presented in partnership with the Champaign Public Library and Fox Philanthropic Advisors.

About the Presenter:

Shari Fox is the principal of Fox Philanthropic Advisors, which she founded on the heels of a 28-year career leading planned, major, and principal gifts programs at large, public research universities and local not-for-profit organizations.  Most recently, she served as Senior Vice President for Principal Gifts with the University of Illinois Foundation.  In addition to her professional education and experience, she holds the Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® designation from the American College of Financial Services.